Gary’s Biography and the Inspirations Behind His Books

Gary N Dyck

About Gary

Gary N Dyck is an artist, photographer, and writer with a passion for travel and adventure. He went to university with the goal of becoming a writer. Instead, he worked as a milkman, butcher, janitor, vet-lab assistant, truck driver, social worker, and communications advisor.

One day, while on the bus on the way to work, he decided to write a novel, based on true events, about a friend who attempted to murder his wife. Gary started on the back of an envelope, moved on to notebooks, and wrote the whole thing longhand during his daily commute. He typed it out and gave it to his wife for Christmas. He has given her a novel every year since.

When Gary was 18 years old, he had no idea that the best education for writing wasn’t found in the classroom. It is found in living. His writing reflects his deep connection to the land and the often-twisted relationships that fashion humanity.

Gary says, “My head is continually full of schemes, plots, and adventures. When I was in Russia, I saw a way terrorists could take a thousand tourists captive in an hour. While travelling in Iceland, a whole book ran through my head about trolls. I write because when my wife asks me what I am thinking about, it is easier to give her a novel than to explain the myriad of scenarios pouring through my mind.”

Book List
